Your beautiful, sweet allure.
Since I was a young boy, I wanted you to be mine,
Your treacherous, devious stares.
And if things are meant to be, I would love you now and forever more.
When I was a young lad, I felt your soft, warm grace,
Your breath softly whispering into my ear.
When I was a young lad, I would ruminate for days on end,
Your singsong hair dancing in the wind.
And if things are meant to be, I would worship the ground beneath your feet.
Now that I am a young man, I seem to have misplaced my heart,
Your hand slipping from my grasp.
Now that I am a young man, I am lost again without you,
Your face haunting my waking dreams.
And if things are meant to be, I would never lose sight again.
If I become a man, I will have learned from all of my mistakes,
Your affections turned back to me.
If I become a man, I will not be led back astray,
Your lips, soft petals of love's embrace.
If things are meant to be.
I hope this isn't about your mom.