I have a new lover and her name is Blue.
She is witty and wry, and never leaves before noon.
She follows me around with sad puppy dog eyes.
Smokes cigarettes all day, and worships the moon.
She doesn’t care that I drink or swear or when I spit on the
She doesn’t care much at all, about anything I do.
I have a new lover and her name is Blue.
She is sullen and sad, and can’t stand to be alone.
She mopes at parties, and always asks
“Can we leave soon?”
She shrugs when I say that I can’t commit.
She says that things were meant to be like this.
I have a new lover and her name is Blue.
She is pretty and young and I think I am in love.
She holds me close and whispers
“You’re not the one.”
She tells me that maybe one day things will change.
But I don’t think it will last, forever and a day