Friday, November 20, 2015

A Very Short Thunderstorm

A thunderstorm ignites right as the taxi pulls up to the curb.

Most of the ride is in silence, the rain pattering the hood and rooftop of the cab. A streak of lightning flares the sky.


The taxi stops and my dad asks the cabbie if he can break a 1000NT note.

We step out into the rain shielding our heads and run for the awning.


 I get my ticket at the counter as my parents watch. The rain comes down in droves outside.

I have been waiting for this moment for a long time.


As we walk up to the security check in, I turn and ask my mom for a hug.

“I’m not used to hugging people.”

“Well I am” I reply.

I hold her for a moment and tell her I love her.

“I know” she says.

I turn to my dad and he holds out his hand. I hold out my arms.

“I’m too old to hug.”

“I’m not” I reply and I tell him I love him too.

The rain begins to subside outside

I turn to leave and wipe away my tears before I turn back.

I’ve waited 31 years to say those words.

It’s never too late for anything.

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