Thursday, November 29, 2012

it was a dark and stormy night

today was a long day. as usual, i ran and shit the dog in the morning then made studio visits all day, checking other artists' new series and work. after that, i squeezed in a little time at my own studio. works been going good and i've bee
n enjoying what i'm doing again.

i got drunk last night and got a call from a friend saying that he was going to propose to his girlfriend tonight. being drunk and all compassionate i agreed to help out. after running around all day and putting in some work, i finished up around 5, enough to squeeze in a fast dinner before heading out to the palace of fine arts.

to be honest, after dinner i was really starting to regret having promised to show up to the proposal. it was dark, raining, and the wind had been picking up. to be honest, this whole ordeal just really wasn't my thing and i really wanted to just go home to the couch and the dog.

it was a dark and stormy night. my friend was running a bit late so we had to wait a lot longer than i expected outside, in the tempermental weather. he finally arrived with his girlfriend and everything was not going according to plan.

it was a bit of an awkward situation as i didn't even know his girlfriend or two other friends, but i put on a smile. the entire time, i was feeling all sorry for myself and wishing to get out of the cold. but then the moment came and my friend got on one knee.

it was weird. i felt a mixture of things: happiness, sadness, jealously, regret, longing. i was happy for my friend, so very proud of him for doing something he very much believed in. his life would longer just be about himself, he would have to share it with this person.

i figure that the only person i've really ever been in love with is myself. that i'm too selfish and egotistical to even share my life with anyone else. at that moment, i thought about how much i wanted that to change. how brave and wonderful and incredible love can be.

it was still cold and wet, but i was very glad that i got to see my friend propose. it made me feel good, it made me feel hopeful. that there are beautiful things in life that happen everyday, even if it's the shittiest weather in the world.

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