Sunday, August 5, 2012

cole and penelope

cole was a very tough boy. not to say he was mean or cruel or bad, but he was just tough and didn't take shit from no one. he kept to himself quite a bit and liked being alone to do his own things. he lived a very simple life and that's the way he liked it. sometimes he went out to have beers with his friends or went out to parties, but mostly he stayed home most nights. happy to partake in his own hobbies, away from the world because he did not trust most people and rarely let anyone in. it's just the way things were and nothing and no one was going to change his mind.

penelope was a very sweet girl. not to say that she wasn't strong or bold or sturdy, but she was just very sweet and smiled through everything. she was a social butterfly and liked to be out and about because that's where her charm shined through. sometimes she stayed in and read a book or dabbled with paints, but mostly she was out in the world. happy to spread her love into the lives of others, because that's the way she had been brought up. what made her most happy was helping others. it's just the way things were and nothing and no one was going to change her mind.

cole went with girls but he had never really truly been in love. he had said it or thought he had felt it before, but in retrospect he knew that he was merely just saying the words. happy to see them light up and going along with the motions. but it never lasted. he always got bored. because really he didn't know love. he never went that far to open his heart, to truly care about anyone else but himself. in the end, he always wanted to be left alone. to do his own things.

penelope went with boys and she had felt love before. she had said it and knew in her heart that it was true, at least there in that moment because sometimes love fades. she was happy to know that something so beautiful could be shared and she lived for it. she always gave what she could, but the boys eventually walked all over her and she always got burned. she always went for everything with an open heart because she had very much to give. in the end, she just wanted someone else who would feel the same.

cole and penelope met one day. it wasn't anything exciting or romantic or melodramatic. no sparks flew, it wasn't love at first sight. they just met and exchanged numbers. he invited her out later that week to a dinner party and really thought nothing of it because she was just a girl that he met. penelope showed up and all his friends liked her because that's the magnetism she had. cole was quiet and aloof and stern, because he did not like to show anything and at the end of the night he hugged her goodnight and walked her to her cab.

they went out again in a few weeks to a movie and held hands. he walked her back to her house even though he was late for work, because she lived in a bad part of town and he wanted to make sure that she got home okay. cole liked penelope quite a bit, not because she was a very sweet girl, but because he knew that beneath her very sweet demeanor was a very fragile thing. he wanted to her to be safe and strong. penelope liked cole quite a bit, not because he was a very tough boy, but because she knew that beneath his very hard shell he was a very sweet boy. she wanted to show him love and how to love.

they started going steady after a few months. he invited her over to holidays and they eventually met each other's families. their relationship grew and gained strength, like the foundation of a home. they made plans for the future and their dreams. they never said they loved each other, but penelope was teaching cole. slow and steady. cole taught penelope to be tough. and penelope cole to be sweet. they showed each other things that the other did not know. they were good together. they were in love but neither ever said it, happy to have the things the way they were. to feel love truly and deeply.

they had been going out for a little more than a year. friends saw the change in cole, he was bright, he smiled. not to say that he wasn't tough, but penelope had begun to break down his wall. friends saw the change in penelope, she was aloof, she held her ground. not to say that she wasn't sweet, but cole had shown her how to depend on herself.

but this is not a story with a happy ending. when two people love each other truly and deeply, there can be no happy ending. cole and penelope started to drift apart. their conversations of life and love dwindled. inevitably cole got bored. inevitably penelope felt walked all over. and you know how this story will eventually end.

cole was a very tough boy. not to say he was mean or cruel or bad, but he was just tough and didn't take shit from no one. but penelope had opened his heart.

penelope was a very sweet girl. not to say that she wasn't strong or bold or sturdy, but she was just very sweet and smiled through everything. but cole had shown her fortitude.

one day penelope packed her things from cole's and said that she had to go. what they had had faded and there was nothing else to do, but to end things. he was not going close the world off anymore. penelope had shown him to love. she was not going to be walked over anymore. cole showed her how to be tough. they hugged and cried and cried and kissed. but it was the end of things. a very beautiful thing. it's just the way things were and nothing and no was going to change their minds.

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