Thursday, July 12, 2012

when i was in high school and young and naive, i was extremely in love with a girl, we'll call her laura. not the kind where you just want to get your fuck on with them, but the type where you could hang out with her and talk and just have peace and quiet. she was tall for our age, and it was one of her insecurities, even to this day.

she had a boyfriend and i had a girlfriend but we hung out and i liked her company very much.

growing up, i was hammered with the fact that i would probably have to marry an asian girl, preferably chinese. so dating laura would have been out of the question. she came over the house a few times and my mom was machine gunned me with questions afterwards.

soon enough, high school was done and we moved on to our perspective colleges. i haven't really kept in contact with many people over the years, but we kept in touch with her. i would visit and she would visit me. we talked about life and love and things in between. she knew my family and i had met hers on several vacations and we would flirt sometimes, but i never took it to the next level.

people often say that if you're stuck in the friend zone with a girl you can never climb out. i've always thought that was bullshit. i've always believed that in a fight, anyone's got a chance to win.

maybe it's time that i let down my own past walls. and just do what i want.

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