Thursday, November 29, 2012


i just came back from taiwan. and it was one of the very best times i've had with my family in a long time. it was fat boy eating, my momma buying me a new wardobe, playing golf with the pops, and just general debauchery in the after hours. i probably got about a million girl's numbers out there, but mostly for sport and some bit of an ego boost. my follow up game is horrible.

i've been putting in a lot of time at the studio lately. it's been great. it's fun again and comes easily, mistakes few and far between, the work, flowing. i feel good again, halfway like a productive, contributing member of society. i've really been itching to the spray again, but anxious because of how goddamn harsh the punishment in san francisco is.

last night i met with a curator and gallery owner downtown. the space was beautiful and they offered me a solo in may. we put nothing down in writing which always makes me super skeptical. they'll be doing a studio visit sometime in the future and i figure that i might as well just pump shit out anyways whether the show is green lit or not.

last week i saw an old acquaintance bartending at an event. she gave me the cold shoulder like i was a fucking mutant with mouth herpes and gonorrhea. i hate it when people don't like me. i suppose it might be because she gave me an otphj at a party once, but the past is the past. it made me feel bad that she honestly disliked me that much as a human being.

i've always wanted to drive across the country. i was planning on going with the dog, but i think that would really eliminate half the fun of going to dog-unfriendly establishments. i would also then have to find pet hotels and all that other shit and i don't feel like vacations should ever be planned out that way. i'm really hoping to do this sometime before i'm 30, i'm really waiting for the right time, or i should just quit being a pussy and just get in the car and go.

i just found out that i'm gonna be by myself for christmas and new year's this year. i suppose it would be nicer for my family to be around for the holidays, but sometimes being away from things makes them that much more precious. i've got so much shit to do with very limited hours. i'm happy now and that's all i know. and i hope that this lasts for awhile.

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