sometimes when you wish for things, you should really think them through. i was never really a new years resolutions person because i think it's dumb. why would you care only one time out of the year for self-improvement? resolutions that piss me off in no particular order:
1. losing weight - if you've got to commit to losing weight only on new year's, just stop. you're fat. either throw up after meals or just be happy being a fatty.
2. religion - this is an umbrella group for all institutionalized religions and how the individual wants to be closer to god/allah/the spaghetti monster, whatever. you're stupid and nobody cares.
3. being nicer to people - you're an idiot, no one likes you.
4. trying harder at work - just sit in your cubicle and much on your cheeto's. either start sucking your boss' dick or doing it better.
5. finding a significant other - you're either ugly or a horrible person to be around. be happy dying alone.
my new year's resolution was to get into more fist fights. right, probably 100 times dumber than all 5 resolutions i put together. i just thought i needed to spice things up and live a little dirtier. i was going pretty good up until 3 weeks ago when i caught a knee to the face resulting in a concussion, black eye, fractured right orbital lobe, fuzzy vision, dizziness, and my favorite, spitting out blood.
i was going pretty good before that with 2 knockouts, 1 no contest, and 1 draw.
lesson learned: never make a new year's resolution ever again.
i went to boston right after getting my face broken to meet up with a college friend and his gf. it was my first trip with a significant other. thank god my gf was there because the first night i got black out drunk on jamieson and threw up from the lobby, the elevator, down the hallway, and in my room. i woke up feeling like twice baked shit and no recollection of what happened. suffice to say, i am a pretty top notch boyfriend.
i've also been helping out on the mural at o'farrell street theatre for my buddy and teacher john wentz if you don't know, the o'farrell theatre is a hardcore strip club, featuring some of the finest talent that northern california has to offer, including, but not limited multi-girl dildo shows. top notch stuff.
my art has been going well, i've done several collaborations with fellow artist and bad ass hak lee. there are more to come in addition to a few videos in the works. we're trying to do a show sometime this summer, but my manager says my artist statements sucks and that i'm about as entertaining as a big girl eating ice cream on a hot day, but maybe you're into that kind of thing.
love and keeses

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