Someone has stolen artwork from me. Two pieces to be exact. Back in middle school through part of college, I would steal almost anything that could fit into my pockets or neatly tucked into the waistband of my pants. I must've accumulated thousands of dollars of worthless shit from all types of stores. I never stole from anyone personally, mostly it was just in large conglomerates and the like.
It was all pretty petty type shit until college, when I couldn't quite afford to purchase all my books that I started going to the book store and lifting as many class required reading materials as my grubby hands could hold. It was into the second quarter of my freshmen year that I got caught. It was quite a shock to be caught, cuffed, and booked. I spent a few hours in jail and got the charges dismissed in court since I had no prior record and looked the part of a nice, smart, respectable, young boy.
In a way, it is a little bit flattering that anyone would go through any lengths to procure a piece of mine, it must mean that they really like it. But, it still pisses me off.
The following are the two pieces which have been stolen:

stuck in a tree, 2 48x24 wood panels, mixed media
If anyone ever sees either of these two pieces please let me know. I will find the perpetrator and deliver them sweet fists of justice all up in their shit.
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