melvin's crib
melvin has been living rent free on my property for a few years now. he just flew in and moved in one day. he mostly just kicks it all day, surveying the field for shit to kill to quench his bloodlust. sometimes he is patient and hides in the trees, but other times he flys low, scanning before going in for the kill. i'm pretty sure he's just hunting gophers and squirrels because i've never seen him trying to go for other birds.
on summer days like today he'll scream kee-ahh, kee-ahh, all fucking day until some female flys overhead and he'll go somewhere's and get his fuck on.
i hope melvin stays around for awhile since it's nice not having a million gopher holes everywhere to break your ankles on. the squirrels i have no beef with so i guess that's just a judgement call on melvin.
maybe one day i'm take one of his chicks and train them, but that might only be wishful thinking.